Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Do it for the capital, Wale Ovechkin"

An example when two world's in my mind collide that I wouldn't ever imagine seeing LOL.


How did this happen? Well apparently Wale attended his very first Washington Capitals game (or hockey game for that matter) a while back thanks to some of his DC hookups. And what a game to pick! 5-4 overtime, shoot out win over the Canes featuring the game winning goal from none other than Mr. Ovechkin himself. It doesn't get anymore cliche than that haha...

Check out this blog posting on Metal Lungies for a recap of Wale's experience.

ps. Wale's Xbox360 gamertag is "wale ovechkin" lol

Madcon: Norway's Best Kept Secret

So I was watching a re-run of the finale of America's Best Dance Crew and heard this song that was playing during BeatFreakz and Quest Crew's collabo routine in the finale. Thru the magic of Google (what else? haha) I found out about this group hailing from the cold airs of Norway. Madcon (short for Mad Conspiracy), made up of Tshawe Baqwa (Kapricon) and Yosef Wolde-Mariam (Critical) is a Norwegian hip hop/funk/soul band.

Their sound? Hmmm...maybe if the Black Eyed Peas, The Roots, and a bit of Mark Ronson (for some of that European touch) all made a love child, you'd get something that sounds like Madcon.

Anyways!...Check out their music video for "Beggin'":

I know I'm crazy late on this (maybe to European -- specifically Norwegian people) but they haven't made that huge crossover to the America's and into our ears. They definitely have that appeal and sound to be big over here. So keep an eye out on them!

Check out their Myspace for other songs like their new single "Liar":

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pomegranates, yo!

I've always wanted to try one for the longest time (coz apparently pomegranate is the new black...or whatever lol) so I bought a single one last week out of curiosity and ate it today.

So as I was staring down this strange looking, piece of 'whattheeff?', I actually did not know where to start. I was baffled...I did not know how to approach it. Believe it or not I googled "How do you eat a pomegranate?". Thinking I was prepared, I brought along a bowl of water, a knife, an apron (or non white shirt coz it stains, yo) and some goggles coz the parts you eat (they are called arils --- the fleshy red part that surrounds the seeds) may fly out and cause someone to lose an eye...

As I was reading some instructions on how to cut it properly, I got impatient and decided to just cut it open down the middle as juice started gushing out. It was getting a little messy by my unorthodox approach but it seemed to work so whatever. So yadda yadda yadda I ate it. I eventually got sick of it, and was kinda disappointed. I realized my expectations were probably made too high. It was just meh. My long curiousity had suddenly been killed by a sad realization.

As I was eating these little sweet red "delectables", I reflected on something I haven't thought about in a while. My blog. Well, just to catch up on things, I've spent the last while not doing much, just working and readjusting my thoughts. Oh yeah, and I also dropped out of the arts and entertainment management program I was enrolled in after failing a course coz of a dumb mistake I did in missing an exam. And aside from taking nearly half a year to think of a metaphor to explain my situation (haha, pomegranates..who knew?) one thing I realized was, this program I enrolled in; that I've been interested and curious about for the longest time ever after graduating high school, suddenly became so blah once I was in it.

Maybe my expectations were a little too specific, I dunno. But it's too bad coz I've met some cool people, had some great classmates, and had some of the most interesting teachers with some of the most unordinary jobs. My lack of interest at the time however didn't help me realize these things. And I might have unintentionally burned a few bridges on my way out.

The only way I was allowed back in the program was by waiting a year again and retaking the course I failed. But eff that! I'm just gonna look ahead for now and return to school in September for something else. And all of this shouldn't be an excuse to neglect my beautiful blog. A blog gotta eat, y'kno? Anyways, hopefully this is the end of my hiatus (once again...)

ps. My credit card was actually in my jacket pocket LOL!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Get off my plane!!"

Right now I'm living in a plane so high in the sky right now, just flying with no responsibilities or a care in the world!!!...

...however too much of this and you get lazy lol.

So como estas, bitches? I've been on one of those hiatus things I always seem to go through...ahh yes it was that time of the month! All except that if I were to name it after a punctuation mark it'd probably be a "?".

Well something extremely annoying happened to me. I just found out today that I lost my effin credit card!!!! And I actually do not know the day and time I lost it as the last time I opened my wallet was on maybe frickin MONDAY.

I checked my online Visa thing and it says that my last purchase was a week and a bit ago (I don't use my credit card too often) so it definitely did not fall into the wrong hands. I'm thinking it's somewhere around the house....but I cannot find it at all. I'm thinking of just calling Visa up and request for a replacement...

Damn lol...

PS. Props to anyone knowing where the title quote came from and BONUS points if they can provide a YouTube clip lol

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kanye West - "Love Lockdown" [EXCLUSIVE]

If you watched the MTV Music Video Awards a few nights ago (or a rerun on Music Music), Kanye debuted a new song titled "Love Lockdown". I happen to have a studio version of the song --- however it isn't the finalized version as it is evidently not mixed well. Anyways, take a listen:

Kanye West - "Love Lockdown"

(to download click "divShare"...password is talk2em)

This apparently is the lead single for his upcoming album due out in December 2008 (alongside Kanye's "big brother" Jay-Z's album) titled "808's & Heartbreak". It's rumoured will be "auto-tune heavy" meaning a very large bulk (if not all of it) will be Kanye's voice being auto-tuned. What's auto-tune you ask? It's the voice alternater that T-Pain made ever so famous.

Now whether that is good or bad news I dunno --- IMO Kanye's voice can somewhat pull it off. If you liked his songs "I Wonder", "Drunk and Hot Girls", and "Flashing Lights" you'll love his upcoming CD. Which means, don't expect some lyrical rap verses. Expect something completely different...hell it might not even be hip hop! Instead expect Kanye to experiment more with the singing/auto-tune combo.

Think of it as him stepping out of his element and growing as an artist...

[Fan Made Video] "Swagger Like Us"

Featuring Kanye West, Jay-Z, Lil' Wayne & T.I.

I know I'm late again but I had to blog this sooner or later. This song is bananazzz...the line up is insane itself. They shoulda put a couple Westcoast rappers on it too (like The Game and Snoop or something) to make it seem like each coast was represented lol.

Apparently this track will be featured on Jay-Z's next album "The BluePrint 3" due out in December this year and T.I.'s upcoming album "Paper Trail" which will be released this September 30th, 2008 . Weezy coulda gone without the autotuner though, Kanye however can pull it off in his verse.

"Overdose On Life"

Featuring Drake, Travis McCoy & Mickey Factz
(Produced by Omen)

"...Taking over the world, no Pinkie just alotta Brainnnnnnnn..."

(Just for reference: Drake is on 1st verse, Travis on 2nd and Mickey Factz on 3rd)

I know I'm late --- I had this for a while but let's bring it back out for the sake of Travis McCoy of Gym Class Heroes whose album "The Quilt" was released yesterday.

But hot damn, let me introduce you all to Drake, a Canadian rapper out of Toronto. However you may know him more famously as the actor under the name Aubrey Graham who plays the character Jimmy Brooks on the show Degrassi: The Next Generation. (which BTW, I fucks with that show and I'm not ashamed of it hahaha)

On this "Overdose on Life" track --- me picking that one line up there doesn't even do his verse any justification. He easily had the hottest verse of the three (no disrespect to Travie or Mickey). And trust me, it's not just one good song he shined guys gotta checkout his mixtapes especially "Comeback Season". It's seriously a mixtape of lyrical slaughter.

My goodness.

I'm straight up saying it, DRAKE IS CANADA'S BEST KEPT SECRET!
Quote me on that bitches!...