Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"In Suspicion We Trust!"

So today will be another day at work with Elite as a security guard --- all except the fact that I was told to go to an unsual place today...

Guess where!

  • very high profile company
  • the "Microsoft" of its industry
  • you'll hafta really clarify which location you are at if you say you are at the Thurlow/Robson location lol
  • "Would you like that in a Tall, Grande or Venti size?"

Yeah, apparently my post today will be at STARBUCKS somewhere in New West. I couldn't believe it! Apparently though the location had a returning difficult customer who had been coming in and distrupting the staff and other customers as well as flinging insults and threats. Well don't we have a little hellraiser!

I have no problem going to the shift, it's just the fact of what people might think that has me iffy. If I saw SECURITY at a freaking coffee shop, I really would give the ol' WTF look and start to question the need.

If this is the way society is heading, WATCH OUT!
People (or something) is probably watching us at this very moment...

*Puts on tin foil hat*

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