Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Madcon: Norway's Best Kept Secret

So I was watching a re-run of the finale of America's Best Dance Crew and heard this song that was playing during BeatFreakz and Quest Crew's collabo routine in the finale. Thru the magic of Google (what else? haha) I found out about this group hailing from the cold airs of Norway. Madcon (short for Mad Conspiracy), made up of Tshawe Baqwa (Kapricon) and Yosef Wolde-Mariam (Critical) is a Norwegian hip hop/funk/soul band.

Their sound? Hmmm...maybe if the Black Eyed Peas, The Roots, and a bit of Mark Ronson (for some of that European touch) all made a love child, you'd get something that sounds like Madcon.

Anyways!...Check out their music video for "Beggin'":

I know I'm crazy late on this (maybe to European -- specifically Norwegian people) but they haven't made that huge crossover to the America's and into our ears. They definitely have that appeal and sound to be big over here. So keep an eye out on them!

Check out their Myspace for other songs like their new single "Liar":


Hora said...

there's nothing in that music video that makes me think 'norway' haha

Anonymous said...

You Should check out their new video ;o)

Freaky Like Me, ;