Sunday, August 3, 2008


I make fun of my Apple Mac maniac friends saying they should purchase the next turn of technology they are creating --- the "iBrainwashed" lol.

HOWEVER when jokes become serious...

"Consider this a concept that that might have been and may still be, should Steve Jobs get a bit too enamored with The Matrix. It could be the next hot Apple item, leaving the iPod and iPhone in the dust. Designer Paul Micarelli came up with it.

The Symbiosis™ Neural Interface:Direct brain-computer link means your mind and computer are one. It sports Intel Fusion™, Quantum Processing that uses the power of the atom to instantly compute at the speed of thought., Holographic Data Storage thanks to the iThink’s tiny internal holochip with an amazing individual capacity of over 666 Yottabytes for seemingly infinite augmented memory, Intra-neural Communication lets you mentally allow or block any kind of signal you want. With the iThink, it wont be long until you are docking yourself like some Borg in the hive collective, rather then docking your iPod."

As it says, it's only a concept. But the one thing that most caught my eye in this article was the word Yottabyte. LOL

(You know how much porn music that is!?!)

What are some other crazy iPod/Mac concepts?

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