Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ig'nant S#*%: WTF is Earth Hour?!

Welcome to my first post in the segment category of
Ig'nant S#*%! A place where it's time to get ig'nant, folks!

Okay...whaaaaaaat ze hell is this??

"Earth Hour is an international event that asks households and businesses to turn off their lights and non-essential electrical appliances for one hour on the evening of 29 March at 8 pm local time until 9 pm to promote electricity conservation and thus lower carbon emissions."

Electricity conservation?

To lower what??

For one hour??

Then what? Go back to our normal, destructive lives driving our SUVs, with our fully plugged outlets and our pet dogs leaving a steaming pile of turd on the front lawn?

Sorry, but lifes a bitch and it's freakin dark @ 8pm here in Vancouver in March. Plus Hockey Night In Canada is on. So if you wanna do this "earth thing", how bout try taking a bus or carpooling and turning off your damn lights, TV's, computers, etc etc during the day when you ain't usin it and call this damn event Earth Day instead?!

OR how about calling it... COMMON SENSE?

Bitch please, seems like the only waste of energy here is human energy. So don't bother me with your "I am more holier than thou" attitudes, it ain't helpin. Coz next thing I know Bono will be shoving this down our throats with a benefit concert...

Ohhhh the truth can be so inconvenient...

[/Ig'nant S#*%]


rye said...

LOL good call andy. it's like how people watch a tornado rip up a whole town on tv, and they say "oh no! thats terrible!!" then change the channel "so whats on tonight??" and forget all about it.

Hora said...

There's a lot of hypocrites in this world. Earth Hour is bullshit. Maybe it gains some awareness, but if anyones says that they helped save the earth by turning off the light in their living room for an hour, suck my dick. You didn't do anything. You're perfectly right Andy. And good analogy, Ryan.

Oh, andy, is there some way to turn on comments to anyone? I had to make a blogger account to comment here, and that's gay lol

Jay said...

hey guys, make peace not love. turn your lights off for one hour for a little lovin' chicka bow wow.


umm yeah i'm with you guys on this one. lol