Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interview with Swollen Members!

I guess I should first explain that currently @ Capilano College I am a part of this 2 year diploma program called Arts & Entertainment Management (in my 2nd semester). At first, I thought I found a gem for schooling that will help me learn about the business side of the music industry. Yes, the two areas I wish to mesh for my future career job. Well not so much of a program, well, I'd be lying if I didn't learn a lot but I expected more...but whatever. That's a different topic...

ANYWAYS one of my instructors gave me an assignment that allowed me to interview one of a bunch of respected people from a list who are from Vancouver and currently work in the arts and entertainment industry. So as I was skimming through the list I spotted KYLE KRAFT (the founder of Battle Axe Records). On his label are well known Canadian artists such as Swollen Members, Moka Only and Sweatshop Union. (Lemme tell ya how freakin' relieved I was in finding something HIP HOP oriented!!)

Okay, so I lied in my header to get you interested haha. But this opportunity will be absolutely dope for me to "get ahead" in the industry. I hope to ask questions about his opinion on the future of Canadian hip hop, his way of dealing with illegal downloading, his opinion on the great involvement of the internet to the industry, among other stuff.

The interview will take place tomorrow @ 2pm in his office downtown. I'm going with a classmate (harsh thrash metal head dude...he's a cool guy!) Hopefully the interview will go well. I'll post the results tomorrow!


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