Thursday, May 29, 2008

Damn my knee to hell!

So there I was redeeming myself last night from an embarassing loss to the Purple Haze -- almost pulled it off too as I had a pretty decent game until..


my knee shifts as i caught an edge on my skates! i felt something pop..

I fall in agony to the ground!

Ref: "can you walk it off? are you okay?"
me: "well, i wouldn't be bitching bout nothing now would I!?"

As I was laying on the ground, I then move my injured knee slightly to the right when...


I felt 2 seconds of relief!

Everything was back intact and I was like "SWEET I'm good to play now!" until a few seconds later it all went to hell again!


I didn't go to the doctors yet but here's hoping it's nothing serious. The safe bet is I'll be out for 3-6 weeks =(


OH GOD DAMNIT I just realized that the Glow in the Dark Tour is on Monday!!!!



1 comment:

Hora said...

I was right in front of you when it happened, it didn't look too good... It reminded me of Cloutier in the playoffs against Calgary..
Let us know what the doctor says! Let's hope it's less than 3 weeks :S