Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Training Day: 1 of 5

So I'm going to let you all in on a little secret...

(psst...I'm legally not allowed to be a security guard lol)

But I'm finally getting my proper training this week and I have to complete a course called BST -- Basic Safety Training (it comes in two parts --- BST1 & BST2). I have a really cool instructor...the course includes stuff like how to properly handle difficult situations like when I'm being attacked by a 7 foot tall, 350 lbs monster or when a junkie comes running at me with a needle.

Crazy shit ALWAYS happen out there...

People will steal from dollar stores...
Kids get banned from malls for stupid shit...
Homeless will go all out in a fist fight for a loaf of bread...

So don't shoplift!
(and not only coz it makes my job so much harder lol)

FYI, just to tell you common shoppers...
Someone is ALWAYS watching...

Anyways, here's a YouTube video of a thief in action...
Scum I tell you...

Anyways, peace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great reporting skills steven duff. It looks like you are going to become the best in Scotland.