Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rock the Bells, yo!!!

 need to correct your eyes....
Bask in the glory of good gracious hip hop coming to Vancity!

The possibility of seeing Cool Kids, Wale and Kidz In The Hall all on one stage! I just need a little Mickey Factz and its all good! (but I guess measly names like Tribe, Nas, Rakim, Red/Mef, Mos Def, deadprez, etc makes it all up a little heh)

I remember seeing this Rock The Bell festival website a couple years back and thinking damnnn it'd be a dream to watch one of them. Damn those American cities! Well now look....holy cowwwww. I feel it...Vancouver is on the up on becoming a top city in North America as far as arts and entertainment goes. I don't understand why all the arts and entertainment industry cats are doubting this place... It's just really hard to ignore the trends happening with the festivals and the big names touring here even though 2010 hasn't even dropped yet...

Anyways!...I gotta get me some tix and I don't care if I'm goin alone! -- okay, well that'd be lame lol....I'll find someone(s) -- but I AM SO DOWN TO GO TO THIS. WOO.

(ps. sorry for, bad case of flu, etc etc lol)

1 comment:

rye said...

yo i'm going!!!!!! no one in their right mind would miss that...