Wednesday, April 2, 2008

80's babies stand UP!

**WARNING** This poster is NOT real **WARNING**

Anyways, back in October I created this poster for a school project (pretty nice eh??). We were suppose to create a poster of an event of our choice (made up or real) that would display our understanding of elements of design such as direction, texture and colour. But anyways blah blah blah...

Wasn't sure what to put on it but figured I'd have it be of a rap group I'm feeling the most these days headlining a tour, with others who I think are cool too to guest appear as well. And it's more than just the hipster/80's swag (that seems to be the "in" thing right now) that catches my ear...these guys are pretty nice on the mic.

Wait..these guys probably don't even wanna be called and labeled hipsters coz ....well, it's not cool or hip to be labelled like anything or

ANYWAYS, check out their MySpaces...

The Cool Kids
Wale (most likely to get mainstream appeal)
Jon Hope
Mickey Factz
Kidz In The Hall


1 comment:

rye said...

YOOO! i thought that was real before i read the tagline!!! hahahaha how do you post so much man you're a blogging machine!