Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So I officially went a whole month without a cellphone and from my scientific research (lol), and after several strenuous days, I gathered a conclusion that it absolutely SUCKED. Okay well, lemme give you some back knowledge...

- I bought an LG Chocolate (first problem lol)
- on a 2 year contract, the LG Chococrap went all white-screen emo on me 1 month AFTER my warranty ended
- found out "Life is NOT Good"
- Telus assures that I wouldn't be able to do much since my contract doesn't end for awhile
- suggests getting a replacement phone until September

So I am currently Craigslisting around and what caught my eye was the HTC S720...I met a seller and she's giving me a reasonable deal on it! So we'll see how that goes!

But let's talk about cellphones in general...before the demise of my phone I've been using it everyday --- txting, calls, etc just like any other user. Immediately after that, I felt distant from the world...without communication. The two weeks after that I had the most lame weekends ever (coincidence??) but this only leads to a much bigger question...'s a scary realization but, we are just so reliant on technology! Soon we will be robots (or replaced by robots lol) in the near future! A life without my iPod, laptop, phone, internets, etc sucks a big one! Am I alone here?!?!

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh??!!!! lol


Jay said...

haha this post is funnay because ryan just had his phone go through the wash. hardy har har.

Life without internet does suck. i concur.

Hora said...

Yeah, ti's true, and fucked up. I get lost without internet mostly, although after a couple days of no internet I get used to it. No phone would suck though, I don't remember how I managed without it lol

rye said...

the world is better without these "comfort technologies" frankly i hated my cell phone. hey maybe our phones should be cremated together we can scatter the ashes at fido and telus those bastards.