Sunday, April 20, 2008

It took about 1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks, and a couple days... have FINALLY bust someone of stealing something at work!!!!

A post to remember forever...

WHEN: April 20, 2008 @ approx. 11:50am
WHAT: A Listerine bottle
WHO: Some old douche bag
HOW: stuffing down pants
WHERE: IGA on Robson and Richards

Pop the bubbly! Andy's getting better at this stuff lol


Hora said...

Hahahahaha, that's awesome. How did you catch the guy? What did you do? Details!!! :P

Jay said...

yeah i wanna know too. did you curb stomp his face? :o

rye said...

lol jay. listerine.. you know they drink that stuff to get drunk eh?