Friday, April 4, 2008

Don't worry, be happy

So I probably will be on hiatus for a bit (pending writers block and inevitable procrastination lol). I'm sacrificing my weekend and all to catch up on some schoolwork (ughh) but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

ANYWAYS amidst the recent depression and realization that no, we will not see the Canucks kick some ass in the post season this year (*sigh*) I thought I could share a kinda feel good story to you in YouTube format. Check out this dope animation video some guy made of a song and uploaded (...and in this story, the underdog wins!)

Lupe Fiasco - "And He Get's The Girl"

So in the words of Bobby Mcferrin "don't happy"! (and please take this in any context you may want in general...Canucks related or not). Peace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet song, sweet vid.